Sunday, April 15, 2007

an old favorite

This was a quaternion layered with a fractal. It was a color I had so much trouble making--clear red. And then, after all that trouble, I decided to see what it looked like in black and white. I loved it. This was hard for me to make, especially since I didn't know what I was doing with quats. I know less now than I did then. One day, I will give them another shot. (Fractal Explorer)
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Autumn Storm said...

Shockingly pretty.
Smiling at the instant daydream I was flung into with this fractal. Why they would have an oval window, I do not know, but instantly I had this vision of lying on a bamboo four-poster bed with white sheets and sheer white drapes in Goa of all places, tropical sounds of night for music looking up at the sky, where palm trees bend to the wind and stroke the roof of the beachfront wooden hut/hotel chalet.
Just like magic. :-)

Shocking Oliviah said...

What a wonderful imagination you have--such a beautiful mind. I have loved this quaternion since I made it black and white, but now I must say, I love it more. You made it into a beautiful dream world I will think of now whenever I look at it. What a gift with imagination and words you have!

Trée said...

Well, I think I like Autumn's view of this one better than my own. :-D

Stargazer said...

My tastes lean toward B&W art and photography, so I'll be looking here often.


Shocking Oliviah said...

Deb, there's just something about black and white photography that seems to catch the elusive "something" in a moment, like the unspoken in a conversation--or like a quick glimpse captured of where dimensions meet. I wonder if that made sense. I am going to put some black and white photography in here along with the fractals. Something I have wanted to do for a while but it didn't fit the other blog.